Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

DARS’ mission: to improve the employment, quality of life, security, and independence of older Virginians, Virginians with disabilities, and their families.
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program helps people with disabilities get ready for, find, and keep a job. It helps to increase their ability to live independently in their communities. The Consumer VR program works with individuals with every type of disability. VR services include but are not limited to, vocational counseling, training, and job placement. VR clients must meet program eligibility requirements.
Persons with a physical or mental disability which causes a substantial barrier in finding or keeping a job are eligible to become clients.
Phone: 804-662-7000
Email (if any):
8004 Franklin Farms Drive
Henrico, VA 23229-5019
8004 Franklin Farms Drive
Henrico, VA 23229-5019